Fergus(s)on of Moulin
including Adam, Forsaith, Macdonald, McColl, McInnes, Moodie, Morris and related Cumming, Paul, Sarre & Wicks families
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3 generations
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Edith Madeline Forsaith
Mary Louisa Forsaith
Louisa Mary Forsaith
Florence Eliza Forsaith
Partners & Children
Alfred Wilberforce Hall
Stanley Forsaith Hall
Howard Robert Hall
Arnold Percy Hall
Frank Lavington Hall
Hephzibah Grace Forsaith
(1847 - 1917)
Robert Forsaith
(1820 - 1883)
Rebecca Smyth Mitchell
(1819 - 1881)
Samuel Forsaith
(1776 - 1832)
Elizabeth Emberson
(1782 - 1844)
Edward Mitchell
(1778 - 1859)
Rebecca Osment Smyth
(1785 - 1829)
Samuel Forsaith
(1744 - 1806)
Sarah Andrews
(1745 - 1803)
John Emberson
Hannah Westly
John Smyth
(1740 - 1806)
Sarah Osment
(1743 - 1795)