Denniston Cuthbertson1

(1884 - 1947)
Father*Robert Ferguson Cuthbertson1 b. 1840, d. 1913
Mother*Susan Elizabeth Denniston1 b. c 1849, d. 1926
Denniston Cuthbertson was born in New Zealand in 1884.1

He married Hester Ann McNeill in New Zealand in 1909.2

Denniston died in 1947 in New Zealand.3


Hester Ann McNeill (1879 - 1968)


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1884/10488.
  2. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Marriage Reg. No. 1909/5105.
  3. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1947/18685, aged 65.
  4. [S922] BDM Registrar of New Zealand, birth record.

Douglas Macpherson Cuthbertson1

(1889 - 1918)
Father*Robert Ferguson Cuthbertson1 b. 1840, d. 1913
Mother*Susan Elizabeth Denniston1 b. c 1849, d. 1926
Douglas Macpherson Cuthbertson was born in Invercargill, Southland, on 23 September 1889.1,2

Douglas died on 30 March 1918 at 14th General Hospital in Wimereux, Pas de Calais, at age 28 of gas poisoning while serving with the 6th Howitzer Battery, NZ Field Artillery, service no. 2/1384, with the rank of Captain.3,4,5 He was buried in April 1918 at the Wimereux Communal Cemetery in Wimereux.6,2
Grave of Douglas Macpherson CUTHBERTSON (1889-1918), Wimereaux, France


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1889/15113.
  2. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Army records for 2/1284 - Item R20994789, Agency AABK, series 18805, acession W5537, box 9, record 31328 and Item R7879809, Agency AABK, series 18805, acession W5568, box 20, record 135404.
  3. [S196] Commonwealth War Graves Commission, at
  4. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Army records for 2/1284 - Item R20994789, Agency AABK, series 18805, accession W5537, box 9, record 31328 and Item R7879809, Agency AABK, series 18805, accession W5568, box 20, record 135404.
  5. [S136] Cemetery Marker - , Invercargill Eastern cemetery, NZ, CUTHBERTSON family stone, Block 16 General, plot 5, PlotID 2448.
  6. [S196] Commonwealth War Graves Commission, at, Grave IV.F.3,.

Elizabeth Jane Cuthbertson1

(1836 - )
Father*John Cuthbertson1
Mother*Margaret Buchanan Ferguson1
Elizabeth Jane Cuthbertson was born in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, in 1836. and was baptised on 8 August 1836.1


  1. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, Parish of Glasgow, OPR Births/baptisms, GRO 644/01 034 FR4957.

Elizabeth Joy Cuthbertson

(1915 - 1997)
Father*George Lyon Cuthbertson b. 1876, d. 1938
Mother*Sheila Mabel Macdonald b. 1880, d. 1965
Elizabeth Joy WALLACE (nee CUTHBERTSON)(1915-1997) in Feb 1989
Elizabeth Joy Cuthbertson was born in Oamaru, Otago, on 31 December 1915.1

Elizabeth died in 1997 in New Zealand.2
ChartsAlexander Macdonald (1813-1888) descendancy
Samuel Forsaith (c1702-1751) descendancy
Stephen Blomfield (c1750?-1809) descendancy


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1997/30250 gives this birthdate.
  2. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1997/30250.

George Lyon Cuthbertson1

(1876 - 1938)
Father*Robert Ferguson Cuthbertson1 b. 1840, d. 1913
Mother*Susan Elizabeth Denniston b. c 1849, d. 1926
George Lyon Cuthbertson was born in Otahau, Southland, on 1 March 1876.1

He married Sheila Mabel Macdonald, daughter of Thomas Morell Macdonald and Charlotte Clements Forsaith, in Invercargill, Southland, on 23 June 1903. (However the date is unclear and may have been the 4th or 23rd).2,3

He was a Civil Engineer in Oamaru.

George died on 26 July 1938 in Oamaru, Otago, at age 62.4 He was buried on 29 July 1938 at the Oamaru Old Cemetery in Oamaru.5


Sheila Mabel Macdonald (1880 - 1965)
ChartsAlexander Macdonald (1813-1888) descendancy
Samuel Forsaith (c1702-1751) descendancy
Stephen Blomfield (c1750?-1809) descendancy


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1876/6388.
  2. [S443] CD - NZ Marriages, CD - NZ Marriages 1836-1956 V2, NZ Registrar General's Folio 3165.
  3. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Marriage Reg. No. 1903/3846.
  4. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1938/25098, aged 62.
  5. [S1141] Waitaki District Council cemetery database, at…, Oamaru Old Cemetery, Presbyterian Block 195, plot 31.

Harrold George Cuthbertson1

(1874 - 1950)
Father*Robert Ferguson Cuthbertson1 b. 1840, d. 1913
Mother*Susan Elizabeth Denniston1 b. c 1849, d. 1926
Harrold George Cuthbertson was born in Riverton, Southland, between October 1874 and December 1874.1

He married Agnes McIlwraith King in New Zealand in 1899.2

Harrold died in 1950 in New Zealand.3 He was buried on 27 September 1950 at the Balclutha Old Cemetery in Balclutha.4


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1874/49559.
  2. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Marriage Reg. No. 1899/5282.
  3. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1950/30107, aged 76.
  4. [S1232] Clutha District Council Cemeteries, at…, Balclutha Old Cemetery, Block F, plot 284, aged 76.
  5. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1901/20099.
  6. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1902/16138.
  7. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1903/9168.
  8. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1905/1575.
  9. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1907/25346.

Helen Denniston Cuthbertson1

(1870 - 1900)
Father*Robert Ferguson Cuthbertson1 b. 1840, d. 1913
Mother*Susan Elizabeth Denniston1 b. c 1849, d. 1926
Helen Denniston Cuthbertson was born in New Zealand in 1870.1

Helen died on 11 June 1900 in Invercargill, Southland.2,3 She was buried on 12 June 1900 at the Invercargill Eastern Cemetery in Invercargill.4


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1870/39079.
  2. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1900/3325, aged 29.
  3. [S136] Cemetery Marker - , Invercargill Eastern cemetery, NZ, CUTHBERTSON family stone, Block 16 General, plot 5, PlotID 2448.
  4. [S586] Invercargill City Cemetery database, at, CUTHBERTSON family stone, Block 16 General, plot 5, PlotID 2448.

Jane Ellen Cuthbertson1

(1871 - 1917)
Father*John Robert Cuthbertson1 b. 1835, d. 1882
Mother*Anne Moncrieff1 b. 1830, d. 1923
Jane Ellen Cuthbertson was born in New Zealand in 1871.1

Jane died on 10 September 1917 in Nelson.2,3,4 She was buried on 13 September 1917 at the Wakapuaka Cemetery.4


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1871/41404.
  2. [S136] Cemetery Marker - , Invercargill Eastern cemetery, NZ, John Robert CUTHBERTSON stone, Block 1 Free Ground, plot 0S.
  3. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1917/5736, aged 46.
  4. [S970] Nelson City Council cemetery database, at…, Wakapuaka Cemetery, CoE area, Block 12, plot 15.

Jessie Mary Stewart Cuthbertson1

(1907 - 1970)
Father*Harrold George Cuthbertson1 b. 1874, d. 1950
Mother*Agnes McIlwraith King1 b. 1871, d. 1958
Jessie Mary Stewart Cuthbertson was born in New Zealand in 1907.1

She married Peter Duncan Patton in New Zealand in 1933.2

Jessie died in 1970 in New Zealand.3


Peter Duncan Patton (1908 - 1980)


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1907/25346.
  2. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Marriage Reg. No. 1933/5652.
  3. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1970/34281, aged 62.

John Cuthbertson

John Cuthbertson was born in Scotland.

He married Margaret Buchanan Ferguson in Glasgow, Lanarkshire, on 3 June 1834.1


  1. [S917] GRO Scotland, marriage record, Parish of Glasgow, OPR Marriage index, GRO 644/01 041.
  2. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, Parish of Glasgow, OPR Births/baptisms, GRO 644/01 033 FR4810.
  3. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, Parish of Glasgow, OPR Births/baptisms, GRO 644/01 034 FR4957.
  4. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, Parish of Govan, OPR Births/baptisms, GRO 646/00 0003 FR556.
  5. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, Parish of Govan, OPR Births/baptisms, GRO 646/00 0003 FR570.