Hugh Tanner McKechie1

(1889 - 1948)
Father*James McKechie1 b. c 1855, d. 1912
Mother*Margaret Tanner1 b. c 1853, d. 1933
Hugh Tanner McKechie was born in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, on 18 August 1889.1,2
The siblings Samuel, Mary, Helen, Thomas, Hugh and David were listed in the 1901 census at Woodend Place in Beath, Fife, with their parents, James McKechie and Margaret Tanner.3

He signed the register at Thomas McKechie and Christina Penman Hunter's wedding at The Masonic Hall, Kelty in Beath, Fife, on 17 July 1908.4,5
The siblings Samuel, Hugh and David were listed in the 1911 census at 1 Ashgrove Place in Beath, Fife, with their parents, James McKechie and Margaret Tanner. All three of them were coal-miners (hewers).6

He married Rita Farquharson in New Zealand in 1923.7

He signed a will dated 24 January 1935 in Seacliff, Dunedin, Otago, in which he named his wife as sole executrix.8

Hugh died on 13 March 1948 in Picton, Marlborough, at age 58.9,10,8 He was cremated on 16 March 1948.10

His will was probated in Nelson on 12 July 1948 with Rita Farquharson appointed executrix of an estate of £1658/7/7.8 His ashes were buried on 29 March 1990 at Richmond Cemetery in Richmond.11
Plaque - Hugh McKECHIE & Rita (nee FARQUHARSON), Richmond Cemetery, Nelson, NZ


Rita Farquharson (1898 - 1990)


  1. [S178] Census - 5 Apr 1891, UK census, Scottish GRO 598/00 005/00 015.
  2. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, District of Kilmaurs, Statutory Births, GRO 598/00 0106.
  3. [S430] Census - 31 Mar 1901, UK census, Scottish GRO 410/00 001/00 006.
  4. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, Parish of Beath, Statutory Births, GRO 410/00 0454.
  5. [S917] GRO Scotland, marriage record, Parish of Beath, Statutory Marriages, GRO 410/00 0115.
  6. [S687] Census - 2 Apr 1911, UK census, Scottish GRO 410/02 005/00 020.
  7. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Marriage Reg. No. 1923/7508.
  8. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Probate, Nelson Court, record 4324, agency AAOO, series 17072, container C288887, box 128, image 341-352, digital folder 4735977.
  9. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1948/25413, aged 58.
  10. [S970] Nelson City Council cemetery database, at…, Rec. No O_0070, cremation, ashes returned to Funeral Director.
  11. [S971] Tasman Council cemetery database, at, Richmond Cemetery, Black Roses, plot 21.
  12. [S730] New Zealand Electoral Rolls 1853-1981, at

James McKechie1

(c 1855 - 1912)
Father*James McKechie1 b. c 1829, d. 1884
Mother*Sarah Allan1 b. c 1832, d. 1883
James McKechie was born in Co. Antrim circa 1855.1,2,3
The siblings James, Mary, John, Thomas and Sarah were listed in the 1861 census at Main St in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with their parents, James McKechie and Sarah Allan.4
The siblings Mary, John, James, Sarah, Agnes and Margaret were listed in the 1871 census at Town End in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with their parents, James McKechie and Sarah Allan. James was a bonnet-dresser.5

He married Margaret Tanner, daughter of Hugh Tanner and Ellen Johnstone, at Townend in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, on 22 November 1872. He was a brick dresser, and she a farm servant.6

He was listed in the 1881 census as Head of Family at 'Irvine Vennel' in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with his wife Margaret; he was an unemployed labourer. Their children James, Hugh and Samuel were listed as living with them.2

He was listed in the 1891 census as Head of Family at Plan Cottages, Kilmaur Rd in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with his wife Margaret; he was a brickworker. Their children James and Samuel were listed as living with them.3

He was listed in the 1901 census as Head of Family at Woodend Place in Beath, Fife, with his wife Margaret; he was a brickworker. Their children Samuel, Mary, Helen, Thomas, Hugh and David were listed as living with them.7

He was listed in the 1911 census as Head of Family at 1 Ashgrove Place in Beath, Fife, with his wife Margaret; he was a pit labourer. Their children Samuel, Hugh and David were listed as living with them, as was James' nephew James Lang McKechie.8

He left London in 1911 on board the 'Arawa' (5984 tons) with his wife Margaret, accompanied by David Niven along with James Lang McKechie. They arrived in Wellington on the 28 Dec 1911.9

James died in June 1912 in Westland.10 He was buried on 1 July 1912 at the Orowaiti Middle Cemetery, Utopia Rd in Westport.11


Margaret Tanner (c 1853 - 1933)


  1. [S917] GRO Scotland, marriage record, Parish of Kilmaurs, Statutory Marriages, GRO 598/00 0029.
  2. [S116] Census - 3 Apr 1881, UK Census, Scottish GRO 598/00 008/00 031.
  3. [S178] Census - 5 Apr 1891, UK census, Scottish GRO 598/00 005/00 015.
  4. [S340] Census - 7 Apr 1861, UK census, Scottish GRO 598/00 008/00 013.
  5. [S367] Census - 2 Apr 1871, UK census, Scottish GRO 598/00 007/00 019.
  6. [S917] GRO Scotland, marriage record, Parish of Kilmaurs, Statutory Marriages, GRO 598/00 0029 and on birth record for Hugh Tanner MCKECHIE (1876) GRO 598/00 0080.
  7. [S430] Census - 31 Mar 1901, UK census, Scottish GRO 410/00 001/00 006.
  8. [S687] Census - 2 Apr 1911, UK census, Scottish GRO 410/02 005/00 020.
  9. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, Arawa, images page 41, 46, available at FamilySearch (
  10. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1912/4881, aged 56.
  11. [S972] Buller District Council cemetery database, at, Orowaiti Middle cemetery, plot 328 block D, Presbyterian, aged 56.
  12. [S871] FamilySearch, at, Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950, FHL film 6035516.

James McKechie1

(c 1829 - 1884)
James McKechie was born in Ireland circa 1829.2

He married Sarah Allan, daughter of (--?--) Allan and Mary (---?---).1

He was listed in the 1861 census as Head of Family at Main St in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with his wife Sarah; he was a railway labourer. Their children James, Mary, John, Thomas and Sarah were listed as living with them, as was Sarah's mother Mary (---?---).2

He was listed in the 1871 census as Head of Family at Town End in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with his wife Sarah; he was a railway labourer. Their children Mary, John, James, Sarah, Agnes and Margaret were listed as living with them.3

He was listed in the 1881 census as Head of Family at Railway buildings, Tower Hill in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with his wife Sarah; he was a railway surfaceman. Their children Sarah, Agnes and Margaret were listed as living with them, as was Sarah's mother Mary (---?---).4

He was widowed on the death of his wife Sarah in 1883.5

James died in 1884 in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire.6


Sarah Allan (c 1832 - 1883)


  1. [S917] GRO Scotland, marriage record, Parish of Kilmaurs, Statutory Marriages, GRO 598/00 0029.
  2. [S340] Census - 7 Apr 1861, UK census, Scottish GRO 598/00 008/00 013.
  3. [S367] Census - 2 Apr 1871, UK census, Scottish GRO 598/00 007/00 019.
  4. [S116] Census - 3 Apr 1881, UK Census, Scottish GRO 598/00 001/00 028.
  5. [S918] GRO Scotland, death record, District of Kilmaurs, Statutory Deaths, GRO 598/00 0043, aged 51.
  6. [S918] GRO Scotland, death record, District of Kilmaurs, Statutory Deaths, GRO 598/00 0055, aged 55.

James McKechie1

(1873 - 1942)
Father*James McKechie1 b. c 1855, d. 1912
Mother*Margaret Tanner1 b. c 1853, d. 1933
James McKechie was born in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, in 1873.1,2
The siblings James, Hugh and Samuel were listed in the 1881 census at 'Irvine Vennel' in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with their parents, James McKechie and Margaret Tanner.1
The siblings James and Samuel were listed in the 1891 census at Plan Cottages, Kilmaur Rd in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, with their parents, James McKechie and Margaret Tanner. James was a brickworker's labourer.3

He married Isabella Williamson Campbell at Hill of Beath Hall in Beath, Fife, on 1 January 1900.4

He was listed in the 1901 census as Head of Family at Woodend Place in Beath, Fife, with his wife Isabella; he was a brickmaker.5

He left London on 22 August 1912 on board the 'Tongariro' with his wife Isabella, accompanied by Janet Lockhart Williamson, Margaret Tanner and James. They arrived in Wellington before trans-shipping to Westport, travelling with the family of James' brother Thomas.6

James died on 5 June 1942 in Granity, Westland.7,8 He was buried on 7 June 1942 at the Orowaiti Cemetery, Utopia Rd in Westport.9

His will was probated in Westport on 11 February 1943 with Isabella Williamson Campbell appointed executrix (subject to a bond of £500) as he had died intestate.8


Isabella Williamson Campbell (1869 - 1957)


  1. [S116] Census - 3 Apr 1881, UK Census, Scottish GRO 598/00 008/00 031.
  2. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, District of Kilmaurs, Statutory Births, GRO 598/00 0040.
  3. [S178] Census - 5 Apr 1891, UK census, Scottish GRO 598/00 005/00 015.
  4. [S917] GRO Scotland, marriage record, Parish of Beath, Statutory Marriages, GRO 410/00 0021.
  5. [S430] Census - 31 Mar 1901, UK census, Scottish GRO 410/00 001/00 006.
  6. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, Tongariro, image page 1, 4, 5 and manifest, available at FamilySearch (, FHL 4415931.
  7. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1942/24047, aged 70.
  8. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Probate, Westport Court, record WP1003/1943, agency CAIF, series 20704, container C767696, box 84, image 121-133, digital folder 7354136.
  9. [S972] Buller District Council cemetery database, at, Orowaiti cemetery, plot 365, block F, row 366, Presbyterian, aged 65.
  10. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, Parish of Kirkcaldy & Abbotshall, Statutory Births, GRO 442/00 0487.

James McKechie1

(1909 - 1987)
Father*Thomas McKechie1 b. 1886, d. 1945
Mother*Christina Penman Hunter1 b. 1882, d. 1933
James McKechie was born at 58 Nasmyth Place in Kelty, Beath, Fife, on 17 May 1909.1,2
He was listed in the 1911 census at Seafar House in Beath, Fife, in the household of his parents, Thomas McKechie and Christina Penman Hunter.3

James McKechie and Thomas McKechie left London on 22 August 1912 on board the 'Tongariro' in the company of their parents Thomas McKechie and Christina Penman Hunter.4

He married Vida Paul in New Zealand in 1934.5

James McKechie, Thomas McKechie, Hugh Russell Hynd McKechie and William Hunter McKechie were named beneficiaries of the will of Thomas McKechie, their father, dated 29 May 1937 in Dunedin; they, or their descendents, were to inherit equal shares of the estate.6

James died on 1 February 1987 at Dunedin Hospital in Dunedin, Otago, at age 77.7,8 He was cremated at the Green Island Cemetery on 4 February 1987.9 His ashes were buried at Green Island Cemetery.9
Memorial - James McKECHIE (1909-1987), Green Island, Dunedin


Vida Paul (1908 - 2000)


  1. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, Parish of Beath, Statutory Births, GRO 410/00 0454.
  2. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1987/29865 gives this birthdate.
  3. [S687] Census - 2 Apr 1911, UK census, Scottish GRO 410/02 003/00 006.
  4. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, Tongariro, image page 1, 4, 5 and manifest, available at FamilySearch (, FHL 4415931.
  5. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Marriage Reg. No. 1934/1678.
  6. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Probate, Wellington Court, agency AAOM, series 6030, item code R23139204, record number 16088, image 1071-1082, digital folder 101442620.
  7. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1987/29865.
  8. [S420] Dunedin City Cemeteries database, at…, Green Island Cemetery, ref C19870213.
  9. [S420] Dunedin City Cemeteries database, at…, Green Island Cemetery, ref C19870213, ashes returned to Funeral Director.

James McKechie

(1904 - 1960)
Father*James McKechie b. 1873, d. 1942
Mother*Isabella Williamson Campbell b. 1869, d. 1957
James McKechie was born in Kirkcaldy Abbotshall, Fife, on 6 July 1904.1,2

Janet, Margaret and James left London on 22 August 1912 on board the 'Tongariro' with James McKechie.3

He married Frances Elizabeth Genevieve Dixon in New Zealand in 1941.4

James died on 12 December 1960 in Granity, Westland, at age 56.5,6 He was buried on 14 December 1960 at the Orowaiti Cemetery, Utopia Rd in Westport.7

His will was probated in Westport on 2 February 1961 with Frances Elizabeth Genevieve Dixon appointed executrix.6


Frances Elizabeth Genevieve Dixon (1911 - 1984)


  1. [S972] Buller District Council cemetery database, at, Orowaiti cemetery, plot 107, block F, Presbyterian, aged 56, headstone.
  2. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, District of Kirkcaldy and Abbothall, Statutory Births, GRO 442/00 0352.
  3. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, Tongariro, image page 1, 4, 5 and manifest, available at FamilySearch (, FHL 4415931.
  4. [S443] CD - NZ Marriages, CD - NZ Marriages 1836-1956 V2, Folio 7217.
  5. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1960/36065, aged 56.
  6. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Probate, Westport Court, record WP1672/1961, agency CAIF, series 20704, container C767699, box 89, image 155-165, digital folder 7344386.
  7. [S972] Buller District Council cemetery database, at, Orowaiti cemetery, plot 107, block F, Presbyterian, aged 56.

James McKechie1

(1918 - 1985)
Father*Samuel John McKechie1 b. 1878, d. 1928
Mother*Maggie Macpherson1 b. c 1884, d. 1956
James McKechie was born in New Zealand on 16 August 1918.2

He enlisted in the NZ Medical Corps (#37910) as part of the Second NZ Expeditionary Force, 3rd Echelon in 1940.3

James died on 20 February 1985 in Christchurch, Canterbury, at age 66.4,5 He was buried on 25 February 1985 at the Ruru Lawn Cemetery in Bromley.5
James McKECHIE (1918-1985) Ruru Lawn Cemetery, Christchurch


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1918/15220.
  2. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Birth Reg. No. 1918/15220 and Death entry 1985/55337 gives birth date of 16 Aug 1919 (which is incorrect, given his birth was registered in 1918).
  3. [S597] Auckland War Memorial Museum Cenotaph database, at
  4. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death entry 1985/55337 gives birth date of 16 Aug 1919 (which is incorrect, given his birth was registered in 1918).
  5. [S419] Christchurch City Council Cemeteries database, at, Ruru Lawn Cemetery, block 1E, plot 30.

James Lang McKechie1

(1892 - 1963)
Father*John McKechie1 b. c 1851
Mother*Annie Lang1
James Lang McKechie was born in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, in 1892.1
He was listed as the nephew of James McKechie in the 1911 Census at 1 Ashgrove Place in Beath, Fife, James was a coal-miner (hewer).2

James Lang McKechie left London in 1911 on board the 'Arawa' (5984 tons) in the company of his uncle James McKechie, Margaret Tanner and David Niven McKechie.3

He married Matilda Macdonald Blair in New Zealand in 1924.4

James died on 4 May 1963 in Lower Hutt, Wellington.5,6,7 He was buried on 6 May 1963 at the Taita Lawn Cemetery, Rimu St in Naenae.6

His estate was probated in Wellington on 4 June 1963 with his estate estimated to be less than £1000; having died intestate, administration was delegated to the Public Trustee.7


Matilda Macdonald Blair (1900 - 1990)


  1. [S612] GRO Scotland, birth/bapt record, District of Kilmaurs, Statutory Births, GRO 598/00 0057.
  2. [S687] Census - 2 Apr 1911, UK census, Scottish GRO 410/02 005/00 020.
  3. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, Arawa, images page 41, 46, available at FamilySearch (
  4. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Marriage Reg. No. 1924/9188.
  5. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1963/41275, aged 71.
  6. [S974] Upper Hutt City Council cemetery database, at…, Taita Lawn Cemetery, block 11, row H, plot 22.
  7. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Probate, Wellington Court, agency AAOM, series 6031, item code R23060201, box 346, record number 688/63, image 860-861, digital folder 102197302.
  8. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 2004/1825.
  9. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 2011/3438.

Janet Lockhart Williamson McKechie

(1901 - 1974)
Father*James McKechie b. 1873, d. 1942
Mother*Isabella Williamson Campbell b. 1869, d. 1957
Janet Lockhart Williamson McKechie was born in Scotland on 13 April 1901.1

Janet Lockhart Williamson McKechie, Margaret Tanner McKechie and James McKechie left London on 22 August 1912 on board the 'Tongariro' in the company of their parents James McKechie and Isabella Williamson Campbell.2

Janet died in May 1974 in Westland at age 73.3 She was buried on 24 May 1974 at the Orowaiti Cemetery, Utopia Rd in Westport.4


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1974/37427 gives this birthdate.
  2. [S800] National Archives - NZ Archives (Archway), Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, Tongariro, image page 1, 4, 5 and manifest, available at FamilySearch (, FHL 4415931.
  3. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1974/37427.
  4. [S972] Buller District Council cemetery database, at, Orowaiti cemetery, plot 116 block F, Presbyterian, aged 73.

Jeanette McKechie

(1930 - 2018)
Father*Hugh Tanner McKechie b. 1889, d. 1948
Mother*Rita Farquharson b. 1898, d. 1990
Jeanette McKechie was born in New Zealand on 9 September 1930.1

She married Clifford Birks in New Zealand in 1952.2

She was widowed at age 41 on the death of her husband Clifford on 10 August 1972.3,4

Jeanette died on 1 March 2018 at Nelson Hospice in Nelson at age 87.5,6,7 She was cremated at the Wakapuaka Crematorium.6


Clifford Birks (1895 - 1972)


  1. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 2018/6073, gives this birthdate.
  2. [S443] CD - NZ Marriages, CD - NZ Marriages 1836-1956 V2, Folio 11904.
  3. [S970] Nelson City Council cemetery database, at…, Record ID O3204 & MVRSE350, aged 76.
  4. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 1972/41867, birth date given as 23 Jan 1896 (incorrect).
  5. [S1131] MemoryTree NZ, at
  6. [S970] Nelson City Council cemetery database, at…, Record ID 21258.
  7. [S542] Index - New Zealand BDMs online, at, Death Reg. No. 2018/6073.